Important Dates
Civics is in April, and all other tests are in May.
Take the CLT at home for Math or Reading credit by clicking this link.
Thanksgiving Break: November 25 - November 29NO SCHOOL: January 20 (MLK Day), February 17 (Presidents' Day), April 18 (Good Friday), May 26 (Memorial Day)Spring Break: March 24-31Last Day of School: June 3
School Pledge
I promise myself to be strong and focused, so nothing can disrupt my mind. I am here to learn!At Academic Solutions Academy, I am responsible to make a change to exercise my right to learn. A change in how I complete my school work, a change in my attitude for success, and a change in how I support my future endeavors. I am here to learn!I am in control of my own education, and to obtain my high school diploma. No one can make me want this. When I encounter a difficulty, I will use my resources to find a solution and overcome the challenge. I will NOT accept failure because I am phenomenal. No one or nothing can hinder my success, and I will respect the same right for others. I am here to learn!It is not my parents, my job, the economy, or the weather that dictate my performance. I can no longer make excuses for my actions. No matter what happened in the past, TODAY I am making the change to take control of my future. I am here to learn!
Click here to view Xello scholarship opportunities.
Emergency Resources
Immediate Emergency: 911
Crisis Text Line: Text "TALK" to 741741
Suicide Prevention: 988 or 1-800-273-8255
Essential Community Services: 211
American Red Cross: 954-797-3800
Submit a Tip
Here you can report any suspicious activity. A false report will get law enforcement involved.
Viewing Credits and Test Scores in Focus
IMPORTANT: If you cannot log in to Focus, let Mr. Wilson know.
1. Open your browser, then press Ctrl+Shift+N (to avoid login issues).
2. Open the Focus website (click here).
2. Click "Sign in with Microsoft".
3. Username is "06########@my.browardschools.com" (but use your own 06 number).
4. Password is P + your date of birth with the slashes (example: "P03/28/07"). If it does not work, ask Mr. Wilson to reset it.
5. On the left, click "Grad Reqs" to see your credits and "Test History" to see your scores (pictured on the right).
1. Log in to Focus.
2. Open a student's profile using the dropdown at the top.
3. At the top, click "Grad" to see credits and "Test History" to see scores.

Passing Scores for State Tests (as of 2024)
FAST Reading Retake
Passing Score: 247 and above (23 out of 40 questions)
FAST PM1, PM2, PM3 (Grades 9-10)
Passing Score: 247 and above (/ questions)
BEST Algebra 1 EOC
Passing Score: 400 and above (_/45 questions)
BEST Geometry EOC
Passing Score: 404 and above (_/45 questions)
Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE)
Passing Score: 48 out of 80 questions correct (60%)
Civics EOC
Passing Score: 394 and above (_/50 questions)
Biology EOC
Passing Score: 395 and above (_/50 questions)
U.S. History EOC
Passing Score: 397 and above (_/55 questions)